Art is a universal language of beauty

It is like the freedom which could make us fly where we would like to, making us feel like we can turn into somebody else. The various art forms provide an opportunity to show connections between these colourful dimensions. I’m looking for answers to questions like How and Why. Howare they connected? Why do these bonds exist? I invite you on a shared journey through literature, music, cinematography fine art and martial arts.

“ Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home. ”

Anna Quindlen

Keanu Reeves’ Art & Speed

E-book and paperback version

Keanu Reeves, the famous movie star, has appeared as a protagonist in various movies during the last decades. But do you know how versatile he really is? He is an intellectual, who is highly experienced in other art forms in addition to cinematography, such as; literature, music, fine art and martial arts.

My Story

Thank you for visiting my website and wanting to learn more about me and my work.

I have loved reading and writing since I was a child. Because I’m a visual type, I’m also very interested in other forms of art such as; cinematography and fine art, not just literature. And since I have also studied music, which is one of my favourites as well.
Among these, cinematography ranks first, and I like actors who are also fascinated by the magical world of the arts. Keanu Reeves belongs to this group of actors. So, it was obvious that my first book would be about Keanu Reeves.

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